UK speed limits are a popular discussion amongst many drivers in the UK. There are many debates whether our speed limits are too high/ low for some areas, but what we all do know is speed limits have been set to keep us safe on the roads.

Most of you may not know , that you could be breaking the speed limit in your van! Here are the limits which you should abide by when driving a van.

  • Normal Roads: 30 mph
  • Single Carriageway: 60 mph
  • Dual Carriageways: 70mph
  • Motorways: 70 mph

The above figures are the same limits for a car. However if your vehicle exceeds two tonnes when loaded, then you will need to abide to the below limits. The limits below apply to vehicles that weigh from 2 - 7.5 tonnes.

  • Normal Roads : 30 mph
  • Single carriageway: 50 mph
  • Dual carriageways: 60 mph
  • Motorways: 70 mph

When towing a trailer with your van this also impacts the maximum speed limit. If your maximum allowed mass (MAM) of your van and trailer is above 2 tonnes this applies too.

  • Normal Roads : 30 mph
  • Single carriageway: 50 mph
  • Dual carriageways: 60mph
  • Motorways: 60mph

We know that some vans have a 3.5t or above weight - if this is the case by law they must have a speed limiter fitted. Remember you should always take into consideration road conditions, weather and payload when drivingText here ...

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